Giving up Isn't an Option

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“Your mother lied to you. That’s the truth.” I stopped drinking my coffee and realized what she just told me. It was that day as I remember clearly, the day when I realized the truth about everything. My mom, the person who does and is everything to me has been lying the entire time. But more so, how could I let myself get fooled? All the times of her telling me it was all going to be fine, it was all lies, including the time when she said the food that she ate wouldn’t affect her and that she would stop eating, was also a lie. At that point my heart was sinking, pumping faster and faster every second when the clock ticks by. I knew this would happen one day but I refused to believe it.
“How do you know? Are you certain that my mom is unwell?” I said.
“Yes, when she went to the doctors I went with her. The doctor told us that she wasn’t losing weight but gaining. The pills they gave her aren’t working either and that she isn’t improving but only getting worse.” Angelina said
I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about what could happen. She could die, at the age 45. Due to my negligence because of me. I needed time alone.
“Angelina my love, I need to go. I’m sorry I’ll call you later.” I said.
And with that I gathered my all my stuff including my jacket and suitcase and left the Long Island Cafe. I wandered out of the coffee shop feeling my legs go numb. I even said to myself. How could this happen? Like I knew she needed help but I still never did anything. It was 5:43 as I could remember. The day when I stepped out of my box and help my mom. I crossed the street from Rosedale to McCarthy going right to my apartment. God, as I could still feel the wind blowing my long hair from side to side as I firmly tried to stop it. Without ...

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...and ran, and it intrigued me seeing how determined my mom was. She knew she needed to change and this week must have empowered her to change. As the day was ending I could still remember the exacted words when we sat down to talk, as I said
“Mom i need to tell you how proud i am of you but i need to know if this really changed you. Did this week really help? And don't tell me it did and go back to what it was before, this time, it needs to be different.” I pleaded
“Son, within this week i realized how much harm i have done to me and others. But this week has opened my eyes and i have finally realized that i can fix this all, and that i can change my life. I will lose the weight son, you count on it.”

I woke up from the passed memories beside my mom’s grave, thinking about I was going to say, while telling the story to my mom as I shred tear on to her tomb.

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