Giving Back To A Community

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From a very early age I can remember hearing my mother quote “to much is given, much is required.” I learned the true meaning of that scripture in Sunday School as a child who was introduced to volunteering and giving back to others. To give back to the community is to be an example for others and to let your actions and deeds have purpose and a greater meaning in life.
There are many ways of giving back to your community. I learned whether it is monetary,

volunteering or raising awareness for a cause I am passionate about I must always remember

that human beings share a common core trait in life which is empathy. That link between

self and others, is how we as individuals understand what others are experiencing as if we were

feeling …show more content…

Something as simple as a commitment of your time can be a contribution that provides an extreme difference in the reality of the community you live in and the future potential of what it can and will be. One of the biggest misconceptions that a lot of individuals have is that only individuals who have become famous or have a lot of money can make a difference. Money cannot fix the mindset of young children who need to be nurtured and raised with self-love and compassion. Money is a temporary fix to a deeper problem that only we as the community can permanently change. To give back is not to wave something flashy that anyone can give, it is to give something that is heartfelt and sincere.
I would like to continue to give back to my community by advancing my education. The

reason that I consider this to be giving back to the community is with the knowledge, I will

obtain from college, my goal is to encourage young people who feel hopeless or are on a

downward path. In many communities, there are so many negative factors that influence

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