Gilmore Girls: A Short Story

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After I can't even remember how many Gilmore Girls episodes. We finally decide to call it a night. I flip off the tv and slowly make my way up to my bedroom. I kept yawning, the idea of driving all the way home tomorrow didn't sound like fun. I crawl under my covers and quickly fall sound asleep.
Tink. Tink. Tink. I stir in my bed, did Scarlet not fully turn the facet off? Tink. Tink. The little noise slowly gets louder. I then realize it isn't coming from my bathroom. It's coming from my window.
"Caroline!" A voice shouts from outside. Still half asleep I stumble over to my window and peer outside, then I groan. Chad. He's here. At, I look at my phone, 3 in the morning. I turn back around completely content with just going back to sleep and ignoring him completely. Maybe soon he'll get the message.
The few more pebbles hit my window, then a thud is heard. Apparently he's moved on to bigger rocks now. "Caroline!" He shouts again. I groan. Now I'm pissed, he's interrupted my sleep, and he's probably only here cause he thinks I'll let him into my bed. Well, he's got another thing coming. How dare he show up here especially after how he treated me earlier.
I storm down the hallway, down the stairs and outside. Chad is still throwing rocks at my window and half shouting …show more content…

You never understood what you had, you had me. And damn I'm a catch a great one! And Jacob, he gets me, he appreciates me! And you're wrong about one thing Chad, I may have slept with you but I never loved you." My words sound so much harsher once their out there. Hanging in the silence, we both stopped. No one breathed for a minute. Then, then Chad snapped. "You. You. Never? You never loved me?!" Chad screamed at me. He was pacing in front of me his hands in fists. I took a step back from him towards my front door, his arm snapped out quick as a bolt. His hand encircled my

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