Gilgamesh Altruism Essay

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According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of altruism is “feelings and behavior that show desire to help other people and lack of selfiness.” Many examples of altruism are literary, historical, and our very own personal achievments. Showing altruism and being altruistic makes our world have a shining light; being unselfish and helping others makes our society excell. In the poem The Epic of Gilgamesh the main character, Gilgamesh, seeks immortality not only for himself but for the elderly men. Traveling and meeting the wonderful Enkidu, Gilgamesh becomes friends with him; unfortunately, they encounter a monster named Humbaba and while they are trying to defeat Humbaba, Enkidu is killed. Gilgamesh, having dealt with the loss of his friend, continues to show an extensive …show more content…

Ever since 1955 King has been leaving a mark, even after his death in 1968, for helping protest against African American rights. He gave up almost everything during his years of protesting from going to jail nearly thirty times, being away from his family almost always, and risking being murdered every day. After his co-protester, Malcolm X, was shot and killed at a local protest, everyone knew that King was next and needed protection. Protesting and being altruistic is what cost Martin Luther King Jr his life. King has left a forever lasting legacy of his selfless acts to help his race excell for generations by getting Africans Americans equal rights. Gilgamesh, mothers, and Martin Luther King Jr are many extraordinary examples of people that show and have shown altruism. Their selfless acts and personalities leave motivational marks on everyone the help. Showing altruism and being altruistic makes our world have a shining light; being unselfish and helping others makes our society

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