Gift Meditation Vs. Commodity Exchange

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Initial response of anthropologists: Gift exchange vs. commodity exchange The differences that were initially identified by early anthropologists, between commodity exchange and gift-exchange are exponentially unalike one another. However, throughout the recent years the outdated gift-commodity dichotomy has evolved (Rus). Commodities and gifts represent two different realities as first proposed by Macel Mauss and later elaborated by Chriss Gregory and other anthropologists. According to Gregory; “gifts belong to the sphere of household and personal relationships, while commodities belong to the sphere of trade and impersonal relationships. In other words, he describes gift exchange as a personal exchange of giving a part of one self, where as commodity exchange (market exchange) provides no lasting social obligation or personal relationship. Gifting a watch to your girl friend is more personal and holds more meaning then receiving a watch as a ‘gift’ because of loyalty points gained. These exchanges would be categorized by Mauss as commodity relations and gift relations. The distinction between these two relations is based upon the degree of sociability that is involved in the exchange. Also, considering the economic value of the gifts given and received. Characteristics of commodity and gift exchange …show more content…

The characteristics that differentiated commodity exchange from gifts were initially; the exchange parties remain independent after the transaction is over (there is no obligation to give a gift back in return), takes place among strangers and enforces no lasting social or personal relationship, avoids the feeling of gratitude, and the only obligation is for the seller to deliver sold items and for the buyer to pay the price agreed for the

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