Ghost Town Essay

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The concept of “Ghost town” has been a major issue of concern and debate amongst many countries around the world in today’s society. A “ghost town” is generally referred to a town, city or village that has been abandoned. A town often becomes abandoned due to the towns down turn in economic activity, natural disasters or political issues, which include, government actions and municipal dissolution and local government fragmentation. On a global scale, a small but sizable number of cities are dying, closing down their municipal governments and returning to dependence on counties. [Anderson, 2012] These small cities were defined as ghost towns, as they were emptied of population, as industries moved on, leading to jobs being lost in which put a strain on families as they struggled to survive, giving them no other option other than to leave. However, contrastingly, within china, new urban cities have been classified as “ghost towns” because the cities are unaffordable or simply, the Chinese don’t want to live within these areas. Ghost cities in china have multiplied over the years due to the notion that the Chinese government continue to live by which is “if you build it, they will come” [Watson and Young, 2013]. However, even with this mentality in place the government is still building and residences are not “coming”, minimal or non-existent. In just 30 years, china’s economy became the world's second largest, heavily managed by government policies under a communist political party. The main priority within the communist government is to maintain China’s economic growth. To achieve this, the government have concentrated on the sector of real estate and construction. However, the rise of construction and housing prices may have cr... ... middle of paper ... ...lead to a benefit in Chinese commodities that would as a result increase within china’s stock market. By this occurring it would allow the government to open the gates to foreigners to invest directly within the Chinese markets that would lead to growth for their economy Conclusion In conclusion it is obvious to suggest that the emerging ghost town are benefiting the Chinese government and the wealthier people in society. However, it is consequently placing a strain on the poorer community as they are forced to leave their homelands to accommodate for the new development sites. The Chinese government is trying to urbanise their country at a rate faster than it should be occurring and thus this string of large, empty developments that remain speculative investments rather than real homes and communities will better the economy rather than the citizens within it.

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