Ghost Monologue

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As I carefully entered the haunted house, the door shut behind me and me was stuck in the house. I was banging to start yelling to get out but no one heard me outside.I tried to pull out my phone to use as a light but I knew that before I came in they took it.So I thought to myself should I explore or just sit here in the corner and cry like a little baby.So I went to explore it took me a while to make the dissolution. There were five doors on each side of the wall in a total of twenty doors and there was also some stairs that went up about one story high then they disappear. I heard screams for everywhere but I knew nothing was going to happen so I went up the old rusty stairs. At the end of the stairs, there was a door that said: “ don't enter if you do not…”. …show more content…

There I saw two cats just playing but then I saw a showed that look like six feet tall, it had a cane and a ball of yarn. When I went closer I heard voices saying do not take more steps. I think I was hearing voices or it was just me. So I just keep walking closer to the cat and the person in the black shadow by the cats. I heard more voices at each step I took. closer. I did not know what to do or what is going to happen to me if I touch the cat that is standing in the middle of the room. I was shaking like a washing machine, that is how much I was scared. I touch the cat and I fell down the stairs because the cat scratched my face and the voice said: “ I told you to not touch the

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