Gettysburg Address Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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In 1863, Abraham Lincoln delivered an iconic speech paying respects to the soldiers who fought the Battle Of Gettysburg. His words oozed with emotions that resonated with people of a nation that have been burned out by the tragedy of war. He conducts a call- to-action for the American citizen to honor those who lost their lives, as they move forward and regain their strength and unity. He uses moves such as diction, allusion, contrast, as well as repetition to articulate his thoughts in a clear effective speech. His credibility can be found in his admiration and respect for these servicemen throughout the speech; Nevertheless the rest of the speech he successfully expresses a series of emotional appeals, ones that pertain to America’s responsibilities. …show more content…

The way In which Lincoln referred to these soldiers is a clear indication of his support. This is seen in his use of formal diction- "devotion” and "hallow”, which associate them with the work of the soldiers. These words hold connotations of honor, making it known to the audience that their dedication is deserving of respect. His appeal can also be found in his reference to the Declaration Of Independence, “all men are created equal.” Being that the Declaration of Independence is mainly about freedom and equality, it is a reminder of what the soldiers were fighting for. This move is used to inspire the audience, create a sense of motivation. These aspects of his speech are effective on his connection to the nation's people, who are freshly exposed to the extent of this tragedy. Lincoln’s language is a way to gain their trust and move forward under the example of these brave

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