Get Away

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There will be times when you just have to get away. When a vacation is in order, it'd be nice to hop on a plane and just go. Well, if you're taking care of your older parents, it's not that simple. There's got to be a balance between making sure you have a great time and making sure they experience one too. Thankfully, there's a happy medium. You can do both.

1. Day Trip
A staycation is a vacation where you go somewhere local. You might book a hotel stay for the day and enjoy getting pampered with spa treatments, room service and lots of rest. In this case, ask a trusted friend to stay with your parents while you recharge.

2. Utilize Respite Care.
If you'd really like to get away and book a vacation with your spouse or close friends, consider …show more content…

It's probably not a wise idea to go on a physically adventurous vacation like hiking in the Andes, climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro or walking up the Great Wall of China. Leisure trips that involve lounging on the sandy beaches of Aruba or taste-testing local dishes in Italy are more realistic and just as enjoyable for everyone.

4. Disney World
If you have young children and elderly parents, Disney World is a great common ground. As expected, most children love the thrill and excitement of Disney World. It's also a great place for your aging parents to enjoy and be around the energy of such child-like wonder. Make sure to keep all medications, wheelchairs and lots of water in tow. Keep a map available to know where the restrooms are and keep snacks, sunglasses and sunscreen on hand as well. Try to choose a time when it's not scorching hot for a more enjoyable time.

5. Cruise
Getting on a boat and being surrounded by water is a very serene experience. This can be very therapeutic for you and your parents. Cruises are great because there are so many fun things to do that are entertaining. There are live shows and live music. The food is good and your parents have the opportunity to meet people their age. Just make sure to pick a cruise that's not so much of a party boat. Check ahead to make sure the stops included are conducive to your parents'

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