German Imperialism Essay

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German imperialism, though mainly isolated to Africa it has had a colossal impact on the world as it is today. The effects of their policies, atrocities and advancements cannot be measured.(Lynn pg.20) The effects they had stretch from directly influencing the First World War, and as minuscule as reorganizing world borders. Their massacre of indigenous peoples at Woohvi, and other colonies taught the world what monsters can lay beneath a clean cut surface. Also their advancements in military tactics and technology as well as trade and commerce are still models that people look to today. It was for the good of the fatherland they said, but is the advancement of a culture truly worth the loss of another? This was not a question the Germans asked of themselves when laying waste to the culture and peoples that had the misfortune of residing in their African holdings.
The origins of the German Imperialistic machine begin where most did, in competition. With Britain, France, and Spain all also jockeying for position, it was ensured Germany would also join that race. All European countries wanted a piece of the African pie as well as the riches and prestige that came with being a colonial power.
The origins of imperialism lie far in the past, Medieval times was the beginning of the Hapsburg’s and beginning of Europe as we know it today began to take form. The German’s were powerful centeral country in this mix. The Germans strove to become a powerful partner in trade and economic power. This was the continuation of rivalries between the European countries. All major players wanted overseas holding to fortify their own economy and their place in the world. (Singh pg3)This is the time that set up the rivalries and pushes to lea...

... middle of paper ... day. Their lack of resolve, lack of humanity, has become synonymous with the German people of that era, and a black mark on the history of not only these people but of a world. The decisions made by the politicians, the officers, and the soldiers beneath them destroyed families, lives and civilizations. This lack of empathy for another group of people is one of the most disturbing aspects of the Imperialist Era. The German ideals would also lead to the most horrific fighting on a grand scale the world had ever seen or would ever see. An anonymous poem sums up the questions of many in just a few lines:
So what did you gain when you conquered the land?
Just a pretty penny for now, a page in a history book and a name for the future.
You mean little child trampling down the flowers just because you could.
Just because we could. (Simon pg.6)

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