Gerard Egan's Skilled Helper Model Of The Midwife

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The term midwife is derived to mean with woman. Midwives are predominately the health care professionals that care for women, and their families, from conception, throughout their pregnancy, labour and postnatal period (The Royal College of Midwives, RCM, n.d.). Women with uneventful pregnancies are under a midwife’s care (The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, NICE, 2014a). These women are encouraged to meet with their midwife regularly throughout their pregnancy (NICE, 2015), although primigravida women are advised to meet more frequently than multigravida women, in order to assess the clinical aspects of the woman’s pregnancy (NICE, 2014a). During the regular assessments of the women, the midwives are also able to intertwine their practice with a contribution to education and health promotions. The amount of informative material available to women is vast, with the midwife providing their client with holistic and individualised (Sporek, 2014) care which includes the promotion of good health. Health promotion is in place for the purpose of protecting the public (Beldon & Crozier, 2005). Within …show more content…

Egan’s model was chosen due to its extensive insight into the scenario and how a reformation of the scenario can be produced to develop the student midwife’s capability to manage a similar situation in the future. The model does this by firstly establishing the current scenario; the events that have occurred. It continues to focus on individual aspects of the current scenario; advancing to the preferred scenario, and on to the detection of the key aspects, which all assist in the initiation of action strategies which steer the provision of the preferred scenario when this situation

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