George Washington's Role In The Revolutionary War

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Many pivotal events occurred within the eighteenth century and many historians unmistakably believe the Revolutionary War was the turning point of America’s freedom from Great Britain. They are unaware of the significance or the crucial individuals involved in the French and Indian War which sparked the colonist interest in their independence. Although, there were a multitude of individuals who played a significant role in the war, George Washington was a salient personage because he aroused the beginning of the war, revealed appropriate military actions, and demonstrated remarkable servant leadership skills.
In 1753, George Washington, a twenty-one-year old major was chosen by Virginia’s Governor, Robert Dinwiddie, to inform the French they had to leave the post they had just completed and leave the lands claimed by Virginia. George Washington seemingly naive and inexperienced for such a significant responsibility …show more content…

Washington and Braddock both brave “trying to direct his men’s fire and attempting to re-form them in coherent units” (Anderson 70), rode across the hectic battle, Washington unwounded was about to retreat the survivors after Braddock had a musket ball shot into his back. Braddock passed near the site of Jumonville's murder in which Washington buried him under the road in order to prevent the indians from mutilating his body. Washington was involved in two failed attempts to capture Fort Duquesne and during General Forbes expedition Washington informed him “the campaign might not reach Fort Duquesne before winter” (Anderson 166) which in fact Washington was attempting to help Forbes however he believed Washington had selfish purposes. Throughout the entire war George Washington possesses and demonstrated his natural ability of wanting to serve and lead others before thinking of

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