George Orwell's Writing

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George Orwell's Writing

George Orwell is best known for his fiction writing, particularly

Animal Farm and 1984. In 'Shooting an Elephant' he demonstrates his

talent in non-fiction writing. Not everyone was familiar with the way

in which the British Imperial rule worked and Orwell uses his

rhetorical language to bring the readers of his essay into the

immediate world that was that of an imperial officer.

Orwell?s essay is written in the first person perspective. This was

done deliberately by Orwell to make the reader feel closer to the

action taking place. By writing in the first person instead of in say,

the third person, Orwell allows for himself to show his feelings. This

is what makes it a personal essay rather than just a man telling a

story. With this personal viewpoint exposed, Orwell was able to touch

on his own feelings about imperialism and the Burmese people as he

tells the story, thus adding to the immediacy that the reader feels to

his worlds. He is a British police officer in Burma, but says that he

was against the British in the oppression of the Burmese. Orwell uses

particular diction and language choice to convey the fact that he

feels almost stuck in the middle in the whole situation. Orwell says,

?All I knew was that I was stuck between my hatred of the empire I

served and my rage against the evil-spirited little beasts who tried

to make my job impossible.? He calls the Burmese ?little beasts?

showing his dislike but then choosing the adjective ?evil-spirited? to

describe these little beasts? shows that he understood why they

treated him like they did. They themselves were not evil but they were

evil-spirited towards him. Orwell conveys this stuck in the middle

feeling to show the ...

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...ousand Burmans would see me?reduced to a grinning

corpse?And if that happened it was quite probable some of them would

laugh. That would never do.? This is more irony employed by Orwell.

This irony ties right in with the constant metaphors to the theater

and to him feeling like a ?puppet? and a ?dummy?. He feels so much

like he has to please the Burmans but he will not stand for letting

them be pleased by him dying. It?s ironic that either he or the

elephant, both symbols of imperialism, must be killed for the Burmese

to smile.

Overall, Orwell employs these rhetorical tools such as metaphors,

symbolism, and irony, as well as choosing to write in the first person

perspective, deliberately to bring the reader into the immediate world

of a colonial police officer. His choice of language and rhetoric

makes the story that much more relatable to the reader.

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