George Frist Handel Research Paper

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George Frideric Handel (23 February 1685 – 14 April 1759), was a German composer who wrote in the late baroque style. From a young age he yearned to become a musician, to his father’s disapproval as it would not be a realistic source of income, in which his father wouldn’t let him own an instrument. His mother on the contrary, supported his decision and encouraged him to practice and develop as a musician. Handel made his first opera debut in 1705 with Almira, after working as a violinist. Handel is best known for his oratorio works such as: Judas Maccabaeus, Samson, and most commonly done: The Messiah. He is also known for his operas such as: Rinaldo, Guilio Cesare, Acis & Galatea, and Semele. In 1737 Handel suffered a stroke and after six

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