Geography Of Congo Essay

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The country located in Central Africa, a country straddling the equator and presents a very important relief like the Central Basin in the center, the plains and plateaus to the west, the mountains that dominate and give the country a good asset to the mountain climate the best climate with freshness and rains 8 to10 months over the whole year one can mention also other climate humid tropical to the southwest, the tropical climate dry to the southeast, and also the equatorial climate following its position at the equator. Democratic Republic of the Congo in the acronym DRC, with Kinshasa as its political capital, can also be called Congo Kinshasa to distinguish it from Congo Brazzaville one of the neighboring countries of the nine that are: …show more content…

It takes its source in Lualaba, on the high plateau of Katanga, one of the former province that has been prestigious since the time of the occupation of Europeans in Africa after the geographical conference of Berlin 1884-1885, Katanga is full of resources Very important naturals like gold, copper, uranium. The Congo River flows into the Atlantic. It receives its two main tributaries, the Ubangi, meeting of the Uele and the Mbomou, and the Kasai, enlarged by the Kwango, before reaching the Malabo Pool on the shores of which Kinshasa and Brazzaville face each other. Rich in water the Congo has the most important lakes of the world such as: Tanganyika, Kivu, Albert Tumba, Mai-Nambiar, Moero, Tshangalele and Pena. Divided into …show more content…

It is in 1956 are published three manifestos, African Consciousness, the Declaration of the episcopate of the Belgian Congo and the Counter-Manifesto. In 1957, Belgium accepted the organization of local elections. Congolese vote for the first time. The cancellation of a meeting of the ABAKO causes the January 4, 1959 riots in Leopoldville that the military repression drowns in the blood. This date is commemorated under the name of the martyrs of independence so far. At the beginning of 1960, during a round table in Brussels attended by Congolese separatists and delegates of the Belgian Parliament and Government, Congo's independence was set for June 30 of the same year. With Joseph Kasavubu as President of the Republic, while Patrice Lumumba holds the posts of Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, Lumumba's friend Joseph Mobutu is appointed Chief of Staff with the rank of Colonel. This period was named the first republic (1960-1965). The prime ministers followed one another until Mobutu led a second military coup on November 24, 1965, this time overthrowing President Kasavubu. The 2nd Republic (1965-1997) Congo changed its name and became the Republic of Zaire in 1971 during “Zairianization” with a head of state Joseph Mobutu. The third republic (1997- ) the first president Laurent Désiré Kabila (1997-2001). Paul Kagame's Rwanda, Yoweri Museveni's Uganda and Zairians are coming together in a motley movement

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