Geography And Human Geography Summary

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Chapter 9 begins with the analogy of the cart. The cart has 4 wheels: Pre-Service Training, In-Service Training, Curricular Position and Teaching Materials and Gersmehl goes into more detail later in the chapter. The analogy, as a whole, says that the educational support car needs all 4 wheels to run.
Initially, Pre-Service Training talks about learning to teach and teacher wind up teaching what and how they were taught in college and usually it entails no geography. Later in the chapter, he essentially says that Pre-Service Training is learning how to teach, going through college, making a portfolio and work with different topics. He also says students should use raw data and learn how to properly use them and lists examples.
In the …show more content…

The section talks about what makes a location useful. The two points are the culture of the people and nature of the place and they can also define what’s feasible in a place. This is called the cultural definition of resources. A feature is a resource only if people think it is. It discusses determinism which is the belief that conditions in specific places determine what people do there. “Place and Process” is essentially about Regional and Topical geography and how they should be taught together for the betterment of the students. Regional approaches tend to be more local in scale and descriptive. They combine information from a variety of sources to describe what’s happening in a place. Topical outlines are more global and analytical. Reference maps use many symbols to show different features that occur in an area. A thematic map uses few symbols to show spatial pattern of a limited number of variables, usually …show more content…

I could use some of the raw data examples that is mentioned in Chapter 9’s “Teaching Materials” section. The portion about being a little flexible is something I could work on for the unit also because I have a layout in my head right now of what I would like to do but that doesn’t mean that when I put it into the outline that it’s going to work the way I think. I might have to reorganize according to what makes sense content-wise. For future use in general, I know that taking advantage of the “teachable moment” is important because often times some of the best learning can occur during this time so again, I need to work on not being so rigid with scheduling like I currently

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