Genocide On The Aboriginal People

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The British settlers, the ‘Australians’, did commit genocide on the native Aboriginal population - through assimilation, “the killing of so many Aborigines by disease, loss of access to land and food, and by armed conflict.” Some historians may argue that by the definition of genocide (“the systematic killing of all or part of a racial, ethnic, religious or national group”) the situation in Australia was not a genocide, because it wasn’t systematic, it merely happened without methodical planning. This essay will look at the impact/different actions of Australians and in what ways they were genocidal.

The Australians’ intentions were to breed out Aboriginal culture and the Aborigines themselves. They enforced assimilation to ensure a ‘White Australia’ as their prime objective [SOURCE G]. The Australian Government was determined to abolish dark-skinned natives and they tried to do this through assimilation – many Aboriginal children were handed to white families and brought up by those families with the hope that they discard their race [SOURCE A]. Although this is not classified ...

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