Genetics is the Future of Medicine

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Often, television will portray the future as people relying on robots and machinery to do the work and tell them what needs to be done and when. As farfetched as it may have sounded years ago, this type of technology is taking its steps into the real world. The future of medicine is being rushed in by a wave of new technology. A whole new type of therapeutics will be on the market. Among these advances health care and insurance could be drastically affected. These are the topics described in the following articles.

According to an article titled “Genetics is the Future of Medicine” by Joseph D’Allegro, gene therapy is in the line-up for tomorrow’s medicine. Once the human Genome Project has been completed, the data will be used to understand genetic disorders better. Once this is completed, information from genetic tests will become part of people’s medical records. However, the data uncovered in this testing will only be able to say whether or not someone is predisposed to genetic conditions, not whether the person will actually show symptoms of the disease. Today, gen...

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