Genetics Vs Genomics

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Scientist everyday are getting more in depth when considering genetics and genomics. Many individuals define genetics and genomics in the same manner. However, there are numerous differences between the two terms. Genetics is the study of the general mechanisms of heredity and the variation of inherited traits. On the other hand, genomics is the study of the function of all the nucleotide sequences present within the entire genome of a species, including genes in DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) coding regions and in DNA noncoding regions. In other words, genetics is shown to deal with the mechanisms of heredity while genomics deals with the actual nucleotide sequence. According to the National Human Genome Research Institution, in the past …show more content…

Scientist set out to do research dealing with genomics. The group leader was James Watson, in the beginning they broke up the sequencing instead of doing it in wholesome when hunting for disease genes. Not only did the scientist study genes, they also studied yeast, bacteria, and so forth. They studied other organisms before human DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) because they thought it would be essential to the experiments to practice first. They practiced first with yeast and bacteria to get a hang of things and to figure out what to do before they move to human DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) which was more …show more content…

It also lists some advantages of gene sequencing to the field of medicine. Each bullet point is a pro to the use of genomic mapping could look for gene to lead to diabetes, some cancers, and diseases. It explains the importance of molecular processes and how it is essential for researchers to study and know how it works. For example, the article said that molecular process keep your body in a good working condition. When this process gets off track it poses a risk for an illness to come interrupt the bodies normal rotation. The article points out that the pharmaceutical industry and most pharmaceutical companies want drug development to come from the field of genomics. For example, the drug STI-571 specifically made to block activity from bcr-abl. Bcr-abl is a protein, when activated can cause chronic myelogenous leukemia. It shows with the use of genomics there can be drugs that target certain chromosomes to block or advance to the person’s benefit against diseases or illnesses. Another advantage the article mentions is genomics will soon be able to predict how an individual body will break down drugs. The field is called pharmacogenomics and this new process will help the prescription of drugs be more

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