Generativity Vs. Stagnation

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Greg is a forty-one year-old man, who is retired from the military. He is in stage seven of Erikson’s psychosocial development called Generativity vs. Stagnation, which includes middle adulthood, forty to sixty-five years of age. According to Capps (2004), Erikson defines generativity as “the concern in establishing and guiding the next generation” (p. 25). This stage claims the largest stretch of time on Erikson’s chart encompassing middle adulthood. Greg has become successful throughout this stage and has a feeling of accomplishment by being active in his home and community. Stagnation represents an individual that is disconnected or uninvolved in their community because they fail to find away to contribute to society. Greg realized he was …show more content…

Her philosophy is to “go with the flow” and take life one day at a time. She falls into Marcia’s and Josselson’s identity diffusion status. During this stage, she has shown to have low levels of exploration and commitment because she has not considered her identity at all. In addition she has not established any type of life goals. Her “go with the flow” attitude reflects her hedonic behavior as she floats through life. The social process of how she learns who she is has not become integrated yet because she has not realized what her social identity is or defined her personality traits; therefore, she bounces from one thing to the next with no certainty. Many individuals in this stage of diffusion are obsessed by seeking out things for the gratification of pleasure (Oswalt, …show more content…

“ For example, an adrenaline junkies might bungee jump or jump out of a plane, so I would suggest they cut down on the life threatening situations or a dangerous situations by replacing it with a healthy and safe activity. For the college student, I would suggest taking care of the whole body. By getting plenty of food, exercise, and sleep a college student can be more productive. Try working out because there is a release of adrenalin that helps refocus your attention. Pace yourself and learn time management, so learning can become

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