Generalized Anxiety Disorder Research Paper

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If I could eliminate one mental health disorder, I would choose to eliminate Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I would choose GAD because of its prevalence in society compared to other illnesses, and because of its effects on daily life. I would also eradicate GAD because despite being a serious illness, it is often treated as a part of daily life, and hence goes untreated, leading to adverse health effects.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, is characterized by persistent and excessive free-floating anxiety over a prolonged period of over six months. Over 6 million Americans suffer from GAD, but only around 43% receive treatment. GAD reduces quality of life by creating worry over daily activities, even if the individual enjoys the activity in question. While an exact cause has not been pinpointed, there is evidence that biological and social factors, as well as life experiences are involved. …show more content…

Since anxiety is a near universal human experience, the excessive anxiety caused by GAD is often not treated with the seriousness that other illnesses are. While having the flu may be an acceptable reason to miss class, it is still frowned upon to miss class because of anxiety. This lack of understanding is even more harmful because it creates a sense of guilt in those with GAD, who feel like they are overreacting when they feel anxious about situations that aren’t considered stressful by others. As someone who grew up in India, where there is little mental health awareness, I struggled to convince my parents that my anxiety was a mental condition that required treatment. I was told that I was being lazy and trying to get out of working had, and even now, my family refuses to talk about me taking

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