Gender Stigma

745 Words2 Pages

There's a huge stigma attached to sexuality, in every meaning of the word. Whether it's what gender or genders one is attracted to, how much sex they like to have, or if they even like or WANT to have sex.

Take, for instance, the preconceived notion that ALL MEN like to have sex. Or ALL MEN must always want to have sex. It's just not true and this notion does so much harm to young boys because male victims of rape by females are either too embarrassed or ashamed of the fact that they've been 'raped' because they're told their entire lives that they're supposed to want sex all the time and those who do come right out and say the words, 'A woman has raped me' are insinuated to be less of a man or even called gay (as an insult) because they didn't 'like' being raped.

Now that, to me, is simply ridiculous. For one thing, why is your choice, as a man, to either accept or reject sex anybody else's business? And, for another, why is a man automatically assumed gay just because he didn't want to have sex with a woman? Women are not all the same, you know. You can be attracted to some and not attracted to others. I applaud these men who know what they want and won't settle because, like we tell young women who are just learning their own sexualities and likes and dislikes, you should NEVER settle. You deserve the best, not matter what you're attracted to, be it males or females, cis or trans, or all of the above. And if you're asexual and/or aromantic, then that's fine, too. You live the way you want to live and ignore everybody that says otherwise.

The same goes for girls, who, in my personal opinion, are treated worse when it comes to sex. Because while a man can have as many women as he wants, a woman is expected to limit herself, to...

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...ple of more than one gender. A straight person is not attracted to every person of the opposite gender and, likewise, somebody who is bi or pan is not attracted to everybody of every gender. That is not how it works.

We, as a population, have to learn all of this and it can start with teaching our children this. To teach them that it's okay if they like people of the same sex, that a crime against them is NOT THEIR FAULT, that, when they're older, they can have as much sex with whomever they want, so long as the act is safe and consensual. Don't try to shield your children from these facts, because it's almost sure to backfire on you and confused the ever living hell out of them.

Make sure they know these things and that they teach their children the same. Hopefully, someday, the world will be a better place to live in, where NOBODY is judged for their sexuality.

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