Gender Stereotypes In American Culture

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Gender has recently become a hot topic for all, whether it is about the wage gap, gender inequalities, gay marriage, or the LGBT community in general, gender is on the mind of the American people. Ever since the legalization of same-sex marriage, there have been countless amounts of support and opposition. Nevertheless, June 26, 2015, is an important date in history. American culture is profoundly shaped and reflected in media. Unfortunately, media has a clear bias towards certain demographics and makes it difficult for those outside that to be represented. Media in American culture should be representing a wider group of people by showing untraditional roles, reinforce fewer gender roles and stereotypes, and accepting LGBT community regardless.
To begin with, everyone has their definition of what gender is, whether one believes sex and gender are the same or the opposite. The dictionary definition of gender is “the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones)” (“Gender” def. 1). The most important parts of that definition are the use of the words social and cultural. While sex …show more content…

“[Queer culture is] a creative energy reflecting a consciousness that is different from the mainstream; a heightened sense of certain human complications of feeling that spring oppression” (Padva 61). American culture prides itself on liberty, equality, and many other freedoms no other country has. Queers have the same freedoms, yet they are continually looking down upon and labeled as social outcasts. Less than 50 years ago, homosexuality was considered a mental illness and today children get sent to conversion therapy. Embracing and celebrating queer culture will further American’s acceptance of LGBT and make everywhere a safe place for them to

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