Gender Roles in Kahaani

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Research Report: Movie Assignment

Movie: Kahaani (Hindi)

Many people have considered gender to be a natural part of our lives, having its own roles and norms that are followed by the people within the categories of gender, male and female. However, these norms receive different views once put in action. In this report, I aimed to answer the question: in a male dominated society, how do female gender norms influence the way one perceives them self as well as they way others perceive them? The patterns, answering my question, which will guide my paper, resulting from the Hindi movie Kahaani, were that whenever a female was displaying feminine norms, she was given negative views by those of the male gender however those feminine roles show her positivity, allowing her to see that strength lies within those roles as well. Kahaani, based in a male dominated country India, is about a pregnant woman, who is actually a spy, in search of her “missing” husband but later finds out he resembles a terrorist. Due to the fact that she is pregnant, she was not viewed as harmful and thus was used and discriminated by the male police officers in order to lead them to the terrorist however she used her gender to her own benefit. In the following research report, I will outline the relations between the norms for a female and how they are perceived by others as well as the one characterizes by the gender, which is the pregnant woman. This will focus on the operationalization of the variables of gender roles, perceptions relating to actions, words and treatments the character receives. From these, I will explain the methods I used in order to obtain the patterns which answered my question after analyzing the movie.

Research Question


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...gender norms are perceived by others. With more time, and more careful analysis of the movie, I believe my results could have been more accurate through better operationalization methods of the variables. However, the patterns I found did a good job in answering the question I was interested in.


Ghosh, S. (Producer), Ghosh, S. (Director). (2012) Kahaani [Motion Picture]. India. Boundscript Motion Pictures.

Bagchi. (Actor). (2012). Kahaani [Online video]. India: Boundscript Motion Pictures. Retrieved November 28, 2013

Khan. (Actor). (2012). Kahaani [Online video]. India: Boundscript Motion Pictures. Retrieved November 28, 2013

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Brym, R., & Caron, C. O. (2013). Commit Sociology (Vol. 1, pp. 284-286). Toronto, Canada: Nelson Educated Ltd.

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