Gender Roles In Fefu And Her Friends

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Gender identity has always been a controversial topic in our society. While some people think of gender as either being a male or a female from the time of birth, some believe that gender does not necessarily have to be similar to the one that was assigned at the time of birth. Gender is an important phenomenon which needs to be taught to people in our society as it creates problem for those who identify themselves as homosexual, bisexual or transgender. This is because of the people still holding the traditional viewpoint of gender being either a man or a woman, and thus, not accepting the transgender or bisexual people, and further, forcing them to adhere to these societal norms. This concept of gender could be explained to people in an effective …show more content…

Julia completely fits the norms of society, which are thinking of woman to be weaker and emotional. Julia is shown to be bound to the wheel chair because of a hunting accident, where she was not actually hit, but the fear in her made her crippled. Furthermore, in part II of the play, she is shown to have hallucinations and during her unconsciousness, she is tortured by the invisible male “judges” who force her to recite prayers. Moreover, she says, “They broke my will. They broke my hands. They tore my eyes out. They took my voice away” (Fefu and her friends 33). These statements delineates the fact that Julia, who were once confident as mentioned by Fefu earlier in the play, is forced to lose her intelligence and is weak, thus, ideally fitting the role of a woman in the male dominant society. Furthermore, Julia says, “Everything on earth is for the human being, which is man” (Fefu and her Friends 35). Julia is constantly in pain and is being punished whenever she disagreed with what she is told. These hallucinations are a representative of the fact that how women are suppressed in our society as society assumes a woman to be weaker than a man and furthermore, puts pressure on them to act in a stereotypical women role which is similar to that of Julia. In addition, it demonstrate how a woman is meant to be …show more content…

The male dominance over females in the society is seen throughout the play as all the dramatic action in the play took place under the eyes of a man. This is evident in the scene where hunting took place as there was a hunter. Furthermore, in Julia’s hallucinations, even though no male was physically present, but the invisible male judges were there and their control over Julia represents the power men have over women in the society. In addition, Julia comments, “Our sight is a form they [guardians] take. That is why we take pleasure in seeing things” (Fefu and her Friends 53). This comment is evident of the fact that there are always men, who are watching over the women and whatever occurs is under the control of men. Furthermore, in the beginning of the play, Fefu plays a hunting game, where we do not see her husband physically. However, he is shown to be lurking offstage as if he is watching over everything. Even in the end of the play, Fefu reveals, “His [Phillip] body is here but the rest is gone. I need him” (Fefu and her Friends 58). This clearly shows that her husband is in power in the relationship and no longer wants her in his life, but Fefu has no control over it. Thus, even though males are not physically present in the play, they are projected as the dominant figure over

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