Gender Roles In Beauty And The Beast Of Advertising

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As we have all learned through the various articles and essays provided to us from past discussion boards (such as Kill Bourne’s essay “Beauty...and the Beast of Advertising”) girls are pressured a particular ideology on how their body image should be. However it is not limited to girls, boys as well are pressured into body images and gender roles. While girls are taught to be submissive, boys are taught to become aggressive and taking the lead. Even in the toys, colors, and postures children at an early age are internalized that one is feminine and another is masculine. Boys are given GI Joe action figures, while girls are given Barbie’s. Boys are given the blue painted bedrooms, while girls are given the pink painted bedrooms. To go against any of the principles of masculinity versus femininity is frowned upon and would result in one being branded a homosexual or tomboy for girls. …show more content…

Men have never been made to feel inadequate in their appearance thus hindering the growth of men’s aesthetic care products. So in order to improve sales they have begun a shift of questioning masculinity in order to sell masculine products. Advertisements such as the ones done by Calvin Klein create a body image where a man is expected to have a body that is low in body fat while holding significant muscle mass. Men are also becoming internalized not only in the aspect of their body’s image but also in the way they should act and treat others. For example, they are taught to be tough, macho, violent, and sometimes even

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