Gender Reassignment Issues

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When determining which ethical dilemma to research and reason, I decided that I wanted a topic that has very little structure. There is a severe lack of information pertaining to this query, but it is still a pervasive issue that influences the rights of numerous gender-queer minors. As it currently stands there is no government issued statement regarding the issue, for all intents and purposes, the law regards it as any other surgical procedure. This means that it not only requires the parent’s consent to issue the treatments, as well as the procedures likelihood, is determined by the physician. This controversial topic was first addressed by government officials in Oregon, where they established that surgeons could perform gender reassignment …show more content…

Gender reassignment surgery allows people of all ages to better express one of the essential parts of their identity, and for this reason, there is no restriction placed on adults. However, I believe that this limited interpretation fails to allow adolescents the proper opportunity to express their gender identity. Adolescents experience gender dysphoria the same as adults, thus the government should not be able to discount their desire because they are younger. There are legitimate concerns about the age of the adolescents requesting the surgery, but their right to express agency over their own body should not be disregarded in part because they are not 18. Additionally, the government allows adolescents to express agency over their body in a multitude of other ways, and if anything, expressing gender identity is arguably one of the most important things to have agency over. I find it hard for the government or the surgeon to prevent someone who is struggling with their gender identity, on the premise that they are not old and mature enough to give consent to the procedure. Due to how important gender reassignment surgery is to a person’s identity, there should be further considerations for the government to alter the medical age of consent. This surgery has the ability to change someone’s quality of life and for this reason, age should not be the only factor preventing the

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