Gender Norms Research Paper

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Gender norms and stereotypes make up the very foundation of society today. From the day you are born, you are taught that boys are girls are in two different categories, that boys can do things girls can't and vice versa; and although you are given limitations and freedoms, you are never given a reason why, and it seems there are none. The continuation of stereotypes, in all senses, is only harmful to the growth of society, and adds fuel to the raging fire that is ignorance in the world today. Scientific studies show that gender norms and stereotypes are detrimental to mental health, and in some cases, even create mental illness. Gender norms have been a thing since the beginning of time, starting with the stereotype of a stay at home mother. …show more content…

Microaggressions, abusive behavior in relationships, fragile masculinity and over compensation when emotional are all the results of gender norms, men are told from a young age that showing emotion is a bad thing. To show any emotion other than anger or happiness or nonchalance is taught to be wrong and heavily frowned upon. Men don't want to be seen as “gay”, or feminine, so they over do it and end up rewiring their brain and body to just ultimately revolt against communication and sharing of emotional aspects of their life. This is essentially the same for women, but with different aspects. For one women, unlike men, are expected to be dainty and fair. They are supposed to be fragile in frame and personality and the emotions expected of them are happiness. This not only causes problem for the women being subjected to these expectations, but to the men being forced into the role of enforcing …show more content…

Much like Racism, sexism, and homophobia, the norm has changed when it comes to overall belief and support; people come to realize that their prejudice is unneeded and wrong, and society then strived to fix that by removing unjust laws and shaming or shunning those who still have that “old” view of thinking, despite it only being 54 years since jim crow laws were abolished. People think that progressiveness takes time, which is true, but if everyone's point of view could be changed in only a handful of years change could only take a couple days. Ultimately gender norms and stereotypes need to change in people's minds before they change in the world, which is how we need to address it. By raising a generation of children who know no gender stereotypes we could potentially morph the future to that of no boundaries due to gender, race, or sexuality. These barriers can be broken by simply teaching our children that prejudice based on these things is wrong or even just completely eradicate the entire idea of these

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