Gender Inequality In Sports

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Furthermore, it was feminist activism pushed Title IX, the Education Act of 1972 to be approved. This was act was created to redress the inequalities for women’s sports funding institutions and federally funded schools (Department of Education). As a consequence, women are today participating in athletics in extraordinary numbers. It was these efforts that challenged the known and ancient comparison of women being subjected to their physical dependence upon males. These efforts also leaded to a number of both health and psychosocial benefits coming from women’s athletic participation. (Ezzell, 127) Although women have gained more equality today than ever, relative to males, I believe males and females cannot be fully equal until such …show more content…

While society watches, reads, or listens to media, they are also listening to realities of any and all gender inequality that is being displayed in the media as well. Another inequality I would like to talk about is how women’s sports are not displayed as much as their male equivalent in the media. An article in Sports and Social Inequities states that men that are heterosexual linger at the center of sports, while women and homosexuals linger on the borders. (Spaaij, 206) To help end this inequality, people should start attending more women’s athletic events, support companies that advocate for women's athletics, encourage media to cover women's sports, and even become an advocate yourself. (Women's Sports Foundation) Even though there have been advancements in female athlete recognition in the media, the display of women athletes in the media, compared to male athletes or male(s) sports, is subjected to both objectification and invisibility. (Trolan, 219). This is something that will not change until male and female athletes are considered to be equal. Unfortunately, women athletes today are still considered to be lesser to male athletes. Aside from this, society has an obsession with the looks and body of women athletes, rather than actually focusing on the women’s athletic abilities and skills. (Trolan, 219). Yes, most athletes usually have a nice body due to training and …show more content…

The article Sports and Social Inequities also states, “the contemporary literature on gender in sport is largely concentrated in three somewhat overlapping areas: masculinity and femininity; sexuality and homophobia; and bodily sex, including gender testing” (Spaaij, 206). Society should try to eliminate discrimination in these three areas of focus, all centered on society’s labeling. I believe these labels as well societal views are one of the main causes why women feel discriminated against. They cannot play a sport without these three areas being tested; however men do not have to face any of these labels or discrimination. This article also talks about how women that participate in male-dominated sports are often considered to be masculine, and men that participate in women's sport are often considered to be either feminine or gay. Alongside with that, gender restrictions are monitored and watched in sports, this is mostly only seen in women sports (Spaaij, 206). For a long time, women were the ones to stay at home, cook, clean, and take care house and family. In 2016, that is no longer the case. I feel as though society cannot move on from the past, and will not accept women as being equal to males. This is seen through name-calling, gender testing, as well as homophobias. This problem will persist until society can change its

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