Gender Disparities In Federal Criminal Cases

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The year is 2016. These United States of America proudly lifts its chin and looks at the tremendous social progress made over the past century. The feeble, weak and homebound women of America gained the right to vote in 1920. The Civil Rights movement humbly and with ease lifted the Jim Crow laws in the 1960’s and created a free, color blind, utopia oasis eagerly filled with fried chicken and uncomfortable Madea References references for all. Our founding fathers would choke on their overtaxed tea if only they knew that men were boning men in the freest country in the world. Alas, they would lift their monocles if they knew women were roaming the streets with their knees exposed for all to see and experience. Oh, how social justice and …show more content…

She states in one theory that: “theory that female defendants receive leniency because they are more cooperative with the government."( Study Finds Large Gender Disparities in Federal Criminal Cases). This can also be attested to the fact that men are by nature more violent than women. However, the same study reports that “men receive 63% longer sentences on average than women do” ( Study Finds Large Gender Disparities in Federal Criminal Cases). Thus, the bias not only exists with law enforcement, but also in the justice system. She also reports on the “Girlfriend Theory”, which states that “that "[w]omen might be viewed as…mere accessories of their male romantic partners" ( Study Finds Large Gender Disparities in Federal Criminal Cases). In this instance, women may not be viewed as actual citizens and subliminally may not be seen as necessary subject to the …show more content… defines political activism as: “... someone who is involved in the political process for the sake of promoting, impeding or raising awareness of a certain issue or set of issues.” [6] (Political Activism). When political activists get involved in events they care about in large numbers, change is made. A recent a popular example of this was the protests occurring in North Dakota over the pipeline being built on an india preservation site. The protests took place up until December 4th, when the company in charge of the pipeline announced plans to reroute the pipeline due to the protests. The protests not only saved a native american reservation, but also demonstrated to the public the importance of political activism, protest, and standing up for one's

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