Gender Discrimination

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Women’s role in society has changes much throughout history all over the world. In Korea, during the Koryo Period, it had not been uncommon for an upper class man to have several wives. Talented women were to be concubines, or kisaeng, who could make intelligent conversation, recite and even compose poetry, sing, dance and even play musical instruments. On the other hand, main wives had been there just to bear her husband’s lineal heir and did not need to have good education or talent. Women of the past had been there for the pleasure of men. Some men still prefer it that way, but the importance of the roles that women play in society is increasing rapidly. Although women’s rights have been promoted a lot, it is not enough. There is still much unfairness among men and women. First, even though there has never been proof that women are inferior to men, or are less capable, women were and still are discriminated.
Second, although women aren’t considered mere pleasures anymore, and are given more rights, they are still considered minority. Third, during a divorce, men adjust better, with their preoccupation on their work, and often tend to have the upper hand of the divorce. Fourth, men are the householders despite the fact that most households are ran by women and are biologically more connected to the children. Lastly, although many girls of today consider diverse jobs, some are hindered by their gender. Although it is said that women are treated equal to men, it is not true and more measures should be taken and more effort put into equalizing men and women.
Women have never been scientifically proven to be inferior to men. It is generally true that men have better physical features for physical work. Nevertheless, it has been proven that women mature faster, learn faster and they are not as easily sidetracked. However there were myths that women are inferior to men. For example, “in the nineteenth century it was widely believed that only women could become mentally ill.” Until Sigmund Freud’s work on the human mind, and the hard gained work of many psychologists, people believed that myth to be true. To make things worse for feminists, the bible, Genesis 2:21; “And the Lord God caused a sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept; and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof. And the rib, which the Lord God h...

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... certain height and weight for women but not for men. Even in the United States, so called land of the free and of equality among all people, only ten percent of the members of congress are women, and there are only two female Supreme Court justices. This is clear indication that women have a long ways more to go.
Furthermore, women are still expected to give up their job pursuits for children. Men, when they get married tent to earn more power. However, women lose their power or even have to give up everything that they had been working toward their whole life to bear the child who will keep the lineage for her husband’s family. “It is not false that today, almost half of infants’ mothers are employed” and the percentage of working moms has risen much over recent years. Nevertheless, it is undeniable that it is unfair for women to have to be pressured by both work and children.
In conclusion, it is not true that women have reached equality with men and this problem must be worked on with more practical measures. Social values may have to be changes and traditions ignored, but it is time that things change for the good.

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