Gender Differences Between Crime And Gender

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Crime and Gender, The great majority of crimes are committed by men, although the United States has the highest female arrest and conviction rate in the world. The gender gap may be influenced by the “chivalry effect” in which male police officers and judges see women’s crimes as less threatening and let them off with a warning. On the other hand, women who belong to stigmatized groups, and women whose behavior challenges gender norms, may be punished more harshly. Some criminologists argue that men’s higher levels of testosterone explain their higher crime rates, but this argument does not account for differences in crime rates by social class. Sociologists argue that the culture of working class masculinity explains why these men are so likely …show more content…

Latinos are also overrepresented in the criminal justice system. Each theory of crime offers a different explanation for this link between crime and race.
Crime and Age, Young people also commit a disproportionate number of crimes. Gang activity may be one explanation, as might be the culture of masculinity among young men. Other males are the most frequent victims of crime, but females are vulnerable, too, particularly to rape and sexual assault.
Crime and Class, The poorer you are, the more likely you are to be arrested for a crime. However, this may be better explained by the fact that the crimes of the poor are more visible and they are more likely to fit the criminal profile than by the fact of economic need. In addition, the poorer you are, the more likely you are to be a victim of crime. (Kimmel & Aronson, …show more content…

However, this may be better explained by the fact that the crimes of the poor are more visible and they are more likely to fit the criminal profile than by the fact of economic need. In addition, the poorer you are, the more likely you are to be a victim of crime. Using the strain theory, it is a matter of social class, not race. Most Blacks are poor, and poor people living in the midst of affluence are more likely to perceive society as unjust and turn to crime. weakness is that the theory fails to take into account the fact that even within the lower classes, Blacks are still more likely to be arrested and sentenced then

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