Gender And Gender Roles Essay

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The society we live in plays an enormous role in shaping the different attitudes and behaviour of all those who are a part of it. These dissimilarities are mirrored most strongly perhaps in the development of particular gender-related social roles and behaviour traits. This essay argues that gender roles are socially constructed and not biologically based. Within every society, gender is a socially constructed term with gender identity expectations. In society; development of gender roles beginning as early as infancy, adopting gender identity later on in life through influence of peers and media. The expectations of society have changed throughout the centuries, but many people are still failing to understand the difference, explaining that biological sex is different to gender.
Gender is a socially constructed term to make clear distinctions between the two sexes; male and female and to define their characteristics through gender roles. Gender roles let individuals understand their identities including, but not limited to, being a man, woman, transgender, intersex, genderqueer and other gender positions. Culture projects much of what people consider masculine or feminine. In most …show more content…

Gender is so pervasive that our society assumes it is bred into our genes. Yet gender like culture is a human production that depends on everything constantly “doing gender”. Both sexual and emotional feelings, desires and practices have been molded by gendered norms and expectations. Parenting is gendered, with altered expectations for mothers and fathers, and people of different genders work at different categories of jobs. The several types of work shapes men and women’s life experiences and these experiences produce different feelings, relationships and skills- a way of defining what is being masculine or

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