Ged Friendship

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Wizard of Earthsea's protagonist, Ged, has proven to enjoy the quality of his company rather than the quantity; as proven multiple times by the way he makes and enforces some of the friendships he is shown to approach at several points in the book. Although focusing on what caused his actual strive for getting these friends is important, remembering that this is already discussed at the very start of the book where most of the children Ged's age fear and sometimes refuse to interact with him corrects this argument immediately, and It's very interesting to observe the corelation of his strive for adventure with his strive for making friends. From the eyes of a lonely boy who is the only one among many to know magic: making friends is hard. Although …show more content…

"-'...Want to come with me?' The otak sat itself down on his open hand, and begain to wash it's fur. [...] Sometimes during the day it jumped down and darted off into the woods, but it always came back.-" It's evident from the text that Ged seems to have a sort of aura or mood around him that keeps the creature close by, even though communication is sparse between them. He takes a liking for the creature, and it him, and thus their own relationship came into existence. They hand't done much before they had to part: but this relationship helped signify to the reader of the nature of Ged's friendliness on his outer and personal appearance, and it helps set the mood to how he acts to strangers, humans or …show more content…

Additionally, although these relationships are rather rare when reading, they are as valuable as they are reminded to the reader. Everything from a fellow student who took a liking to him up to a Master who felt a mix of both pity and admiration for Ged's unspent potential. Generally speaking, Ged isn't very social. Around the other kids he uses his magic freely, and while his village no doubt thanked him for his acts; admiration for him seemed distant and unheared of, even if it meant to be the very oppisate. Every single time he met someone in Wizard of Earthsea, it was a unique and usually odd experience which kept him in awe or excited; having the writer usually cover at least a couple of pages in describing or mentioning the character he met. What are their intentions? What are they dressed like? What does Ged note about them? Nevertheless, Ged persists in allowing more and more people into his life, as he is a curios boy, and not much could stop him from having friends as he

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