Gay Rights Argumentative Essay

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The first sustainable gay rights organization was founded in Los Angeles in 1950. This organization was founded by Harry Hay in an attempt to change the public’s opinion on homosexuality. There was hope to eliminate discrimination against this group of people in its entirety and to, “assimilate homosexuals into mainstream society” (“WGBH American Experience”). Homosexuality is best defined as a sexual attraction to one’s own sex. This topic stirs up a lot of controversy as to whether or not these specific individuals should be granted the same rights as heterosexuals including things such as being married, having children, and even joining the military. There are many people who look at the issue with an open-mind, however there are also several …show more content…

“So long as intelligent people understand that homosexuals are emotionally and sexually attracted to the same sex as heterosexuals are to the other sex, then there is no human reason on earth why it should be granted to one group and not the other” (Roleff 57). These individuals deserve the same rights as heterosexuals. They should be able to have the ability to marry the person they love rather than pretending to love someone of the opposite sex. They are attracted to the same sex, whereas heterosexuals are attracted to the opposite sex. This is the same concept just with different genders. “Those who believe that homosexuality is a sin typically also believe that it is a choice” (Andryszewski 28). Many heterosexuals fail to comprehend that homosexuals do not choose to be attracted to people of the same sex. They believe these individuals choose this behavior. “In the early 1950s, psychologist Evelyn Hooker conducted a study of gay men. She found that not only were gay men as mentally fit as straight men, but that it was impossible for medical doctors… to tell the difference between men who were gay, and... straight” (Watson 24-25). This statement shows that there is no difference between heterosexual men and homosexual men. Everything about them is exactly the same except for their attraction to either the opposite or same sex. “Marriage is an internationally recognized human right for all people” (“Gay Marriage”). This means that all people, whether homosexual or heterosexual, should be granted the same rights to

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