Gay Marriage Essay

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Gay marriage is one of the most controversial issues in the modern world, although in recent years, it has become more accepted and has been legalised in some parts of the world.

Some people argue that homosexual couples shouldn't be allowed to marry because they can't have children but if that was the only reason they couldn't marry then some heterosexual couples who are infertile wouldn't be able to marry either. Also, if gay marriage was legalised everywhere, there would be more successful adoptions because homosexual couples aren't able to have children, they would adopt to compensate.

Marriage benefits like joint ownership and medical decision making capacity should be available to every couple. Marriage affects many things in society such as joint ownership of property, insurance benefits, agency law and it can affect critical medical decisions. If a member of a gay couple gets ill, the other might not even be allowed to visit them since they're not considered to be a “spouse or an immediate family member,” even though they may have been together for a long time. It's completely unfair to deny people the right to even visit their ill partner, especially if that could possibly be their last chance to see or to talk to them.

It doesn't hurt society or anyone in particular. A marriage is a relationship between two people and the only thing that should matter in marriage is love. It's a personal commitment that isn't anyone else's business. Society shouldn't be saying what two people can or can't do when no is hurt in the process. The number one reason that heterosexuals marry isn't to establish legal status or for any of the other benefits of marriage but they marry because it's the ultimate expression of a person's love f...

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... who love each other will be able to get married.
Another reason that some people think gay marriage shouldn't be legalised is because gay marriage may lead to more children being raised in same sex households which are not an optimum environment because children need both a mother and father. Girls who are raised apart from their fathers are reportedly at a higher risk for teenage pregnancy and children without a mother are deprived of the emotional security and advice that mothers provide. Although, some children who have heterosexual parents live with just their mum or their dad and that is also not considered to be an optimum environment.

Everyone should have the right to marry the person they love and gender shouldn't matter because love is love. Same sex marriage shouldn't be taken away from two people who want to make a commitment with the person they love.

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