Gathering Blue By Lois Lowry

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Imagine a society full of greed and envy, with little love and comfort. This is the ideal reality in “Gathering Blue” by Lois Lowry. I relish the book due to the main character’s physical and emotional strength. The main character, Kira, was always identified as being an insignificant burden due to her deformed leg, but she was tenacious, because her mother always told her that her strong hands and wise head make up for it. This book left me at gusto. If you are looking for a complex story with amazing twist and turns then this book is in your favor. The book starts off in Kira’s perspective. Kira, a fifteen year old girl, with exceptional threading skills sits next to her mother’s spiritless body. Kira felt the remaining warmth and comfort from her mother slip through her fingers as it flew into the wind with its spirit\. In the society Kira lives in, it is normal to sit next to the deceased for four days in the Field until the body’s “spirit” is completely gone. The Field has a similar concept to a cemetery. It is where the deceased and flawed are taken to, but the villagers believe that at night “beasts” will come towards those in the Field to attack and devour them unless they have some source of light. After her mother’s spirit leaves. Her father, …show more content…

Kira faces many obstacles. She is so tenacious physically and emotionally. I personally enjoyed this story, because it was so vibrant to me. My favorite part would be when Kira slowly remembers a past memory with her mother telling her that she was not a burden, because her mother just boosted her self esteem. “Your strong hands and wise head make up for the crippled leg” (Lowry 6) My not so favorite part would be when Thomas and Kira had found Jo singing unhappily, because Jo is a young tyke who does not have much freedom. “Gathering Blue” is a fresh breath of air to

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