Gary: Visualize The Grand City Of Chicago

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Gary is not just the butthole of Indiana- it's the butthole of Illinois, the USA, and I'd argue the rest of the world as well. To imagine just how terrible Gary is, visualize the grand city of Chicago. It's nowhere near perfect, and is on the decline, but still has fantastic neighborhoods and is home to millions. Now, make the city 10-15 times smaller, remove every skyscraper and notable landmark from your imagined skyline, double the number of factories, and add a distinct, disgusting smell that needs one single word to describe it: Gary. Not only is that the name of your smell, it's the name of the armpit you just created.

The city reeks of failure and misery, as if 175,000 people gave up and died at the exact same time.

It makes sense that Gary failed so horrifically. It should have never existed- it is a product of Chicago's steel success, and was not meant to exist independently. Gary was a temporary home for the steel workers of Illinois, and when the industry dried up, so did the hopes and dreams of the city's inhabitants. …show more content…

Unfortunately for Elbert, he is also the inspiration for a town in West Virginia, forming the second half of the Tale of Two Gary's. Dickens was wrong, though. It was never the best of times, and it's been well below the worst of times for several decades. In a cruel posthumous gift for EG, his namesake would reach superstardom after its record-holding 90% unemployment rate in the early 80s. The rate fell not because its residents found work, but because they simply gave up

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