Gangs In School Essay

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Gangs in Class

Even before I arrived at the gilded gates of Dunn Middle School in South Trenton, I knew I would expect to encounter gang members, gang references and possibly even gang violence within the brick walls of this school for 6-8th graders. It is a scary thought that every prospective teacher has had cross her mind at least once in her teacher preparation program: “Will there be gang members in my school, in my classroom? What will I do? What can I do”. During my first day at my JPE site my suspicions were turned into a reality. Within my two classes I have two affirmed gang members and several students suspected of gang affiliation. Both of the affirmed members have since been removed from school due to their …show more content…

There are street gangs, copycat gangs, pretend gangs, cliques and delinquent groups to name a few. Luckily, most middle school aged students involved with gang behavior are involved with the less serious forms including delinquent groups and pretend gangs. Those students who are more susceptible to joining gangs are becoming harder and harder to identify. “Memberships tend to cross ethnic lines and have more female involvement than ever before” (National 5). Previously, gangs were thought to be limited to black or Hispanic male youths in low income communities but even the socioeconomic status of gangs has changed. “Youth gangs in the United States may form in any school district, regardless of the predominant social class, national origin, or ethnicity of its student body. Some districts are more at risk than others, but none can assume ‘it can’t happen here’” (Goldstein 20). Beside the socioeconomic and race factor changes, the view of the age for membership in a gang has changed as well. “In reality, modern members are usually 14 to 16 years of age, dress conservatively and display subtle gang identifiers” (National 5). Some gang identifiers include color of clothing, hand gestures, tattoos and other apparel. With this wide range of possibilities for who can be a gang member, we may ask ourselves: why then, are some teens more susceptible to gang membership than others? The answer to this question may be found in examining what gang membership has to offer the students, especially the

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