Gang Violence In Schools Essay

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How does adolescent gang violence affect schools in low-income communities?
The most problematic areas that adolescent gangs are active are in low-income urban community schools. These communities have experienced the greatest amount of gang violence since most of the students come from broken families and minority groups. There is a growing amount in both male and female gang members from African American and Latino descent, who cause gang violence and also peer pressure their fellow colleagues to join this group of reckless individuals. Gang violence, mostly occurs between different gangs and ethnic groups. Gangs such as Bloods and Crips are popular among America's youth populations since it is well broadcasted in movies such as Straight …show more content…

Gang violence is growing and reoccurring frequently. Gary Brunet for the ERIC Urban Education in New York says “schools either to react harshly to overly punitive and restrictive actions are to be so intimidated that they refrain from taking any action at all”. Schools don’t know what to do to stop this matter permanently since school officials don’t obtain the proper training to put an end to this growing matter. Most school administrators and teachers just deal with this issue instead of trying to put a stop to this issue. Overall, schools don’t provide their students with the proper education on diversity and the harms of joining a gang, but they instead just have harsh rules that only infuriate these students. Gang violence has no solution to stop it entirely, but schools located in low-income communities can take steps to end this growing matter. They can find the students that influence others to join their group. They also can instruct teachers and administrators on how to tell a sign if a student is in a gang. They also can educate their students on diversity and make them feel valued rather than ignored. There isn’t a simple solution to this problem, but schools can take these steps to minimize the amount of gang violence and stop the growth of gang on their premises and in their neighborhoods

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