Gaming Discourse Community

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The gaming discourse community is a most interesting group of people. Its members come from all ages and walks of life who are drawn to this community for many reasons. Typically, these the members of this discourse community fall in the age range of early teens to late thirties. They come from unique backgrounds, experiences, and nationalities. This diversity brings a life and culture to this community that is unlike any other. As diverse as the people who make up this community are, the reasons for joining this discourse community may be even more so. What outsiders perceive to be an outlet that is solely meant for entertainment is so much more than that. It is true that many join this community for entertainment. However, many join for other reasons that may or may not be additional to this particular reason. They join looking for challenges and competition. They seek exposure to strategy and tactics. So many of these people have brilliant minds for strategy and tactics but will never have the chance to develop or use these talents in the traditional ways. …show more content…

It has many applications beyond what gamers use it for. You can communicate with family and friends with little effort. You can take online courses and have face-to-face discussions with a professor across the country. It really is a technological wonder. Especially in these times when it is sometimes expensive and difficult to find yourself on a university campus. By participating in the gaming discourse community, you learn how to use these programs and can apply those skills to real world applications. It is definitely beneficial to be familiar and comfortable with the technology and skills you use during an academic career and the rest of your life. It provides an edge above others and allows you to feel comfortable even while you are pushing yourself outside of your comfort

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