Gambling In Australian Sport

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Gambling in Australian sport is extremely prevalent. As internet gambling has grown, sports betting has followed suit, making up 53% of the international gambling market (H2 Gambling Capitol, 2013). This has allowed sports betting to become as much a part of our culture as sport is, with gambling companies being featured during sports advertisements and in sponsorship deals. In 2011, Australian sports betting expenditure increased from $400 to $800 million. There are claims that this vast presence of gambling companies in sport is unnecessary, as well as detrimental. It supposedly develops a lack of awareness of the implications of gambling, especially amongst younger generations, while potentially impacting problem and at-risk gamblers. …show more content…

In 2017, the NRL had a total income of $377 004, with $81 776 of that being due to Event, Game and Sponsorship. With over 50% of NRL teams, and the NRL itself receiving sponsorship money from various gambling companies, it is implicit that a high proportion of this revenue is due to the presence of gambling companies in sport. Equally, the AFL also relies on money from gambling sponsorships. In 2008, AFL takings were $563 million, with almost 10% of this ($55.6 million) being due to gambling sponsorships. This money not only allows the NRL and AFL to continue, but also enables them to funnel money into grassroots sport, assisting Australia become more engaged in sport, thus possibly becoming healthier. Similarly, revenue generated for broadcasters and media services by display of sports betting advertisements play a vast role in their ability to provide free to air media for fans. In 2015, $236 million was spent on advertisements for gambling, making it the fourth largest industry for advertisement spending (Standard Media Index Figures). It was stated in a government Gambling Advertising Factsheet (May 2017) that “advertising revenue is crucial for free-to-air broadcasters to be able to broadcast sporting events for free to Australians.” This makes it clear that without a steady stream of income from gambling advertisements, certain media services …show more content…

We can see from S. Thomas’ previously mentioned study that children are able to recall the names of gambling companies in a sponsorship deal with sporting teams. The same study also found that there were stronger associations between teams and their gambling related sponsors, than other sponsors, as well as “cash back offers contributed to children’s perceptions that you could not lose from gambling.” This demonstrates how the high frequency of gambling advertisements and signage in sport fails to show how gambling can affect people negatively. This belief in an inability to lose, can lead to a potential generation of problem gamblers. In an episode of four corners, The Big Gamble, Former Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett stated, “we’re actually educating a whole generation of Australians, not only is it alright to bet, but you’re a mug if you don’t.” This is indicative of how the high prevalence of gambling companies in sport cause a normalization of gambling, and highlight the positives of sports betting, allowing younger generations to believe that gambling has no downside. We can infer that a normalization of gambling for children will detrimentally impact them later in life as gambling advertising is banned on TV during children viewing times. This lack of exposure to gambling

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