GMOs, Antibiotics, and Growth Hormones in Animals and Their Effects on Humans

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GMOs, Antibiotics, and Growth Hormones in Animals and Its Effects on Humans In 1936, scientists discovered the use of antibiotics for treatment of human diseases; people couldn’t stop talking about it. Before antibiotics, if a family member had an incurable disease like tonsillitis, scarlet fever, or cholera, the only hope they had would be to consult a priest to pray for their loved ones and to hope their god would do the rest (Morton 22). After the discovery, the infectious diseases that frightened everyone were then curable and manageable. Antibiotics started being used worldwide and people were ecstatic. The spread of antibiotic use was unstoppable; dentist even started using antibiotics for post treatments. Farmers realized that pumping their animals with antibiotics would prevent diseases and deaths. This led to factory farms (CAFOs) and the use of growth hormones. 10 years after the discovery of antibiotic use in humans there was also the discovery that genes were able to be transferred between organisms. It was said these GMOs (genetically modified organisms) could be altered in a positive way; for example, to up nutrition content in a product (National Research Council 89). In 1984 the first product of a GM food went on the market: the Flavr Savr tomato. The wide use of antibiotics lead to overuse, and people and animals started to become antibiotic resistant; therefore, they were unable to utilize the drug if they needed to because their bodies would reject the drugs therapeutic intent (65 Health Risks of GM Foods). After seeing the effect of the use of antibiotics in foods, people became hesitant towards the use of genetically modified organisms. The use of antibiotics, growth hormones, and GMOs are not healthy and... ... middle of paper ... ...lative to the size of the CAFO. All of this will lead to a decrease in animal mistreatment, a decrease in drugs, and an increase in health and the environment. People should also be highly educated in what high doses of antibiotics and growth hormones do to them and their loved ones. An investigation of the naturally occurring development of resistance, transferring of genes, and host-pathogen interactions that could affect human and animal lifestyles should occur in order for that proper research to be analyzed and therefore show realistic events that could occur. This information should be able to be viewed by the public in order for them to conduct their own personal opinion on if they choose to consume GM food or not. On top of this the government should implement all products that are GM to be labeled; the people deserve to know what they are consuming.

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