Functionalist Approach To Health And Social Care Essay

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The functionalist approach
Talcott Persons seed that for society to function efficiently, its members have to be healthy. He describes illness as a form of device and ill people as performing a form of social role “the sick role”.
This are the rights associated with the sick role:
• To be exempt from normal social obligations (school, college or work & from meeting normal family obligations)
• To be cared for

Parsons will only care for the people that are sick in the family.
The responsibilities of the sick role included the individual:
• Taking all reasonable steps to get better and seeking to resume their normal place in society as soon as possible
• Co-operating with medical professionals, particularly doctors and their staff
The overall view is that illness has social consequences. …show more content…

They see a doctor has agents that work interests of the employers instead of the patients. Apparently they think that the doctors role is to make sure that people go back to work as soon as possible basically provide the company owner with healthy workers.

The interactionist or social action approach
This is the approach that has the most attention to issues of health and illness. The concerns are:
• The processes that lead a person to define themselves as ill- people vary ill people accept that they are ill and also vary whether they will seek professional help. There are some people with serious illness that does not consider themselves as ill.
• The interaction between the professional and the patient in agreeing how ill they are. After they understand and illness interactionalists are interested in the negotiation that takes place with the professional on trying to agree on the impact of the illness in the patinas life.
• The impacts on a person’s self-image and on their relationships caused by the illness when they are labelled as ill.

The feminist

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