Functional Behavior Assessment Paper

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(Johnny Stone)
(Unit 9 Assignment)
(Purdue University) Introduction
• A functional behavior assessment is a process that identifies specific target behavior, the purpose of the behavior, and what factors maintain the behavior that is interfering with the student’s educational progress. It is an investigative methodology that brings about understanding for the reason the behavior happens

• The FBA report is a summary of the details and assessment for the identifying information, the reason for the referral, the methods of assessing behavior, antecedent and consequence variable, reinforcers, a hypothesis of the function of behavior, and recommendations for evidence based interventions.

Functional Behavioral Assessment Report …show more content…

His communication skills are significantly deficient and he demonstrates a wide variety of behavior problems. Johnny demonstrates SIB and has recently increased in frequency and intensity. One of his behaviors necessitated a visit to the ER. He banged his head so hard on the wall that it causes a cut and it was bleeding. Johnny exhibits other behaviors such as stabbing himself with a pencil and slapping himself in the face.

Relevant Background Information
• According to the school principal Mrs. Gellar, Johnny has been coming to this school since Pre-K. When Johnny was in both Pre-K and Kindergarten he did not display any of this conduct. His behavior only started this year and Mrs. Gellar does not know why. His parents are frustrated and want to find out why Johnny is displaying this behavior now in the first grade. Johnny is an only child.
Description of Evaluation Procedures Indirect Functional Behavioral …show more content…

Teachers use this form to record important information regarding the student.

Direct Descriptive Functional Behavioral Assessment:
• List indirect FBA methods that were used and provide a discussion of each method including the purpose of each and the type of information that they were designed to gather in relation to the case scenario. Include discussion of how each of the direct methods was carried out during the assessment process (observational data can be included here).

Hypothesis Formulation
• Discuss how the Behavior Analytic Problem Solving Model was used to assist in the development of the assessment

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