Fufu Research Paper

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If you have lived in the United States for your entire life, you’ve probably never heard of fufu. You probably don’t even have a guess as to what that might be. However, if you live in Sub-saharan Africa it would be a completely different situation. If you live in Mali or Ghana you basically live off of fufu. Fufu is used in a variety of different meals and is simple to make. With three easy steps, who wouldn’t make it. Fufu is a side dish that accompanies stews and soups. To start with, fufu originally came from ghana. Another thing about fufu is that there are only four ingredients which makes it easier to prepare for. The recipe for fufu requires yams, butter and salt. Mash of yams or other starches usually served in western central africa (Britannica). Fufu is often served with beef or vegetable soup. Occasionally, fufu is dipped in tasty sauces as well. This starch is generally used as a spoon. To make fufu into a spoon, you mush the ball by making an indentation. It is especially useful to eat with for those who live outside of the city. Outside the city it is uncommon to use utensils. Although, inside …show more content…

Starting with the names it goes by. This side dish goes by a variety of names including: fufu, fofo, foufou, ot foutou. In French-speaking countries it is referred to as cous-cous. On the other hand, the Caribbean version is known as foo-foo. However, unlike the traditional malian recipe, the Caribbean version is regularly made with plantains or corn meal. Fufu found its way into Caribbean cuisine by imported slaves. In addition, in Barbados fufu is known as coocoo. Interestingly enough, the counterpart of fufu in Eastern and Southern Africa is ugali. At last, with all that you know about fufu, don’t you want to go out and try it? Trying fufu would be fun and would be a great adventure. Trying new foods is like traveling to new places. You only have to try it once if you don’t like

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