Frontline Sick Around The World Summary

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Exploring the documentary on frontline Sick Around the World, I was shocked to hear where the United State’s healthcare system stood in comparison to other nations’. I felt highly astonished when finding out that our country shamefully holds thirty seventh place when being categorized for our National healthcare. Our healthcare system has grown a reputation for being highly unjust and corrupt when providing utilities and services for citizens. This upsets me because reflecting over the statistics presented in the documentary, our country should have a remarkably better healthcare system considering how much more money we spend. By comparing our financial investments and structure to other countries, one would think our nation would finally find a solution to …show more content…

Britain is distinguished as being a socialist country when it comes to medicine, due to the fact that all medical positions and their financial profits are supported and maintained by the government. In addition, the NHS system makes it so that citizens of the UK will never have to pay for a medical bill. Comparing the America’s and Britain’s medical facilities, the two countries systems are direct opposites of one another. When reflecting over Britain’s success of a substantially low infant mortality rate, and high life expectancy rates in the beginning of the film, it made me question if America would be better off with an approach similar to Britain’s. One astonishing fact that really stood out to me was that UK citizens do not have to worry about experiencing medical bankruptcy. At this point in the documentary, their system seemed too good to be true. Then it continues to explain the negative effects of having government run hospitals such as substantially higher tax rates, hospital competition over receiving government funds, in addition to exceedingly long hospital

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