Friendship In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Friendship is important in everyone's life. It’s a basic thing that every human needs and some theologists believe we were created for. In Of Mice and Men friendship is one of many themes but one of the most important. No one can live without it and in my essay i will show what people who have it live like and what people who don’t. The biggest example of friendship is between the two main characters Lennie and George. Their relationship is both beneficial and damaging. With their friendship Lennie always has someone to help him get out of the constant trouble he gets in. Like with the whole incident in weed. Without George teaching Lennie he would have been thrown in jail or worse. George acts like he doesn’t need Lennie but without him even George himself confesses he would become mean and cold. It goes right back to the theme of how people need companionship. …show more content…

However, along with pro’s there is also cons that come with the two traveling together. One of those con’s comes with Lennie's mentality. He can not help the way he is but it leaves George without someone he cpan easily relate to. Lennie’s mentality also gets him into trouble, so while for him to have George is a pro, to George himself it's a con because he can’t live a normal life. He is always having to move or get him out. Not all of the bad things happen to George thought. Although George should be respected for taking care of Lennie, he isn’t the nicest of people to him. He once told him to jump into a river knowing he couldn’t swim a stroke. Another con is with George coddling Lennie so much he lives in fear of doing something wrong which leads to Curley’s wife getting killed out of

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