Fried Chicken Shop Case Study

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This study aims to compare the (Benchmarking), and find best practices (Best Practices) of the fried chicken shop, Hat Yai, which is considered as a local business, which, as a symbol and name of this part of the city. The consumption of fried chicken Hat Yai, both online and in interviews, access group, Prince of songkla University students and the general public, the number of 90 people found that the top 5 popular is Laila fried chicken chicken, thick woven 21.11 percent creatine nawe. 18.89 percent, Bangkok Hospital Hat Yai page for fried chicken. 17.78 percent, the fried chicken and the fried chicken Mali 16.67 percent percent to 13.33 made so if interested, select store fried chicken come to Mali on Benchmarking practices to improve from
(Benchmarking) and best practices (Best Practices) of Fried Chicken Hat. The local business is the symbol and the name of the city of Hat Yai. A survey of popular consumption Fried Chicken Hat online and to interview the students, university and guest number 90 found a shop that had been popular with top 5 is Laila fried chicken percent, 21.11, fried chicken. Greenway percent, 18.89, fried chicken Hospital Bangkok Yai percentage 17.78, Joanne fried Chicken 16.67 percent and Mali fried chicken percent 13.33 provider so interesting restaurant Mali fried chicken made Benchmarking to find solutions. improvement From in-depth interviews with store owners and chicken were the factors that make a successful business (Critical Success Factors, CSFs) in view of the client is available in two processes: (1) the process of cooking and taste of the fried chicken, the clean. the process of cooking And the speed of the cooking process. (2) the sale process, including convenience, quick to order, quick to get the goods. And accuracy of delivery. The results of the interviews, data collection and data analysis. In summary, as follows: (1) The fried chicken taste good and do not have to use fresh chicken marinated fried chicken because it will come out with sweetness. Crispy Colorful and appetizing The creation of the cooking process (formula) to maintain standards of taste. (2) Clean the cooking process. Sets the standard in the oil used cooking oil is up to eight times, and the use of palm oil from Malaysia because of a quality equal to Thailand's palm oil. The price per liter lower than that of Thailand. As a result, merchants can increase the frequency of oil change more. (3) the quick cooking process. Has set the standard in terms of factors such as frying capacity and the number of pan-sized pieces of chicken and chicken pieces. (4) The pace of orders from customers. Sales of the two people who can make time in queues dwindle. (5) ease of

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