Frida Kahlo's Self-Picture Comparison Essay

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Vincent Van Gogh’s painting was created in 1889 and titled Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear. In contrast to Vincent Van Gogh’s self-portrait, Frida Kahlo’s self-portrait was painted in1944 and titled The Broken Column. Although both artists used the same medium, oil paint, and expressed themselves similarly, they represent themselves in very different ways to feature their individual styles. The artists had both dealt with physical and psychological pain that had greatly influenced their art and allowed them to express their inner emotions. Vincent Van Gogh uses color and the texture in his brushstrokes to express emotion, while Frida Kahlo’s self-portrait uses a variety of colors and is more expressive through the use of objects and symbols to state the emotional intensity of her work. In their artwork they reveal their cultural contents as well as their time periods, how their individual styles were developed, and the events prior to the The incident started when Vincent Van Gogh had a dream to create an artist colony with a friend, Paul Gauguin. They lived together for some time, but the situation between them worsened. The two had fought and Vincent eventually lost control and threatened Paul with a knife and as a result, Paul packed his things and left. Vincent became overwhelmed after the incident and went into depression, which caused him to cut off his ear. The portrait shows him in his calm state after his breakdown and expresses his acceptance of the incident and his feeling of hope by using bright colors and simplified style. The Japanese woodblock print on the wall reveals the origin of the style that he uses. Vincent Van Gogh’s condition caused him to have mood swings that led to his depression and various incidents in his life, leading up until his death. He painted using his unique style and expressed his emotions through the use of

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